Jul 11, 2019 -
Today's web design needs to be able to cater to the unique requirements of each and every one of the clients. This requires the selection of web design style, the use of graphics, typography, and color schemes. This article will try to provide you with an overview of these points so that you can select a design style that is suitable for your particular business or website. In case you feel that the information provided in this article is not sufficient for you to make a final decision on your own, you can always refer to the links below the article.
There are two types of web design styles: fixed width vs. fluid layouts. In fixed width layouts, the page is centered at a specific width. This is usually an option offered by most website developers as they believe that the main function of the page is to present information. Therefore, they recommend that web users should select fixed width layouts, especially if they are unable to create a layout on their own.
However, fixed-width layout also has its disadvantages. If you want to maximize your page space, you should not choose a fixed width layout as your choice. The first disadvantage is that it limits you to provide full width of the web pages.
On the other hand, fluid layouts allow the web page to take up the entire screen. This means that the web page will appear as it does on the web browser.
In addition, fluid layouts allow you to add some additional elements on top of the web page to customize your website. This can include the use of animated backgrounds, videos, pop ups and dynamic content.
You will definitely find one or the other style more suitable for you, but in the end you have to choose between a fixed-width page and a wide web page. The former is good for informational purposes, while the latter is best for commercial purposes. Therefore, you should consider your requirements and select the style that best meets your business needs. in a way that is most convenient for you.
You should consider the following factors when making your choice of web design: the type of traffic expected to visit your website, whether or not you are required to offer online registration or provide an email address, the number of pages expected, whether or not you are allowed to edit the contents of the website and the type of services offered. All these things will greatly affect the overall quality of the website and the kind of layout you would like to use. In addition, your budget and your ability to execute the tasks related to the project will also play a major role in the choice of layout.
In general, you can either choose a fixed width or a fluid layout for your website, depending on your budget, abilities, knowledge and creativity. Although most experts still prefer to use a fixed width style, you can always explore your options if you are not satisfied with the results you get with the particular layout.
So, don't hesitate to explore your choices and make your web design selection. This will not only make your work easier, but it will also help you avoid unnecessary expenses in the long run.
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